Selling a FL Pharmacy

Industry Roll-Ups are where an industry’s many players are consolidated into smaller groups for economic benefits. Recessions, new government regulations, or other aspects of the industry that may be stifling profits end up providing incentives to consolidate

A principal reason for an industry roll-up is to achieve economies of scale in purchasing, marketing, information systems, logistics, distribution, and top management. Consolidated businesses also have less risk from the impact of an unsatisfied customer and have the reward of being able to recruit, or keep, key employees.

There has been an industry roll-up happening in the pharmacy industry for a number of years. It is a well-established industry and is still experiencing sales growth. However, pharmacies and drug stores have seen a steady decline in their profit margins due mainly to government regulations, even as sales increase.

When a Florida (FL) Pharmacy Owner is considering selling their business there are a number of things to consider, such as there are fewer buyers in today’s market.

Due to national issues, as a small business owner you are faced higher capital gains tax along with other additional tax increases. Higher taxes on the business and your customers will not increase your business profits.

Nationwide most pharmacy owners are working longer hours to earn the same amount of income, and they are required to jump through more hurdles.

Selling a pharmacy in Florida is a complicated and regulated process that involves many difficult decisions. Handled properly, a pharmacy owner will deposit a large sum of money into the bank. However, handled poorly, it can become a laborious and costly chore. provides you expertise and a positive advantage.

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